Friday 12 February 2010

A trip to the park

Today I was smuggled in a new handbag on the bus with Emma in the morning. We got to her school half an hour early so we took my first ever trip to the park. It was empty- so Emma was very happy.

I had my first go at judging a net call on the tennis court. They opened it early for me!
Emma also kindly introduced me to the seesaw. I think I need a few of my friends with me the next time I go!

Then I had my first experience of  extreme sports! I think they call it a swing- but Emma seems to make it quite a scary experience. I eventually left her to it and tried the climbing frame. I got a bit scared half way up and had to be rescued- but next time I come I want to make it up to the top! I think I might need to persuade Amy to take my photo- as I think Kim is a bit of a scaredy cat on the quiet!!!!!!

I had a bit of a rest after all that fun and was very surprised to realise that this park is over 100 years old. It's a shame that the house has it's windows all boarded up- I would have liked to have taken a peep inside the park house!
When we got home Kim poured me a nice glass of milk- I don't think she realises that cows don't drink milk, She thought it was a good idea! It did taste lovely though! Anyway- I was worn out after my exciting morning- so I was tucked into Emma's bed for a morning nap.

She left me to my own devices for a bit- so I decided to explore Amy's room whilst she was at school. It looks a bit of a scary place- look at the picture she has on her door!!!!!!!!!!!  This box sprung open whilst I was nosing around. I wonder what she does with all this!!!!

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Milly's adventures begin

I've been adopted by Kim today. Vikki had some toys that needed adopting and Kim wanted a nice project for her new camera. She has been reading some ladies blogs that did the 365 project last year and this year they have all adopted someone small to help them take some photos.
These are my friends that were on the adoption panel. I think Kim liked me the best but liked most of my friends aswell. Anyway- she chose me and kept my best friend Snowy, to keep me company.
She did wonder whether Emma who is somewhere called school might like to adopt Becky and Laura- The rhino and leopard cub. They are friends too. Emma might like to keep her own blog maybe?

Anyway- she introduced me to this huge hairy creature that I understand is called a dog- and her name is Holly. She didn't look too pleased to meet me and I think I will have to sleep somewhere high- I've heard rumours that she isn't very kind to soft toys like me. I said a quick hello and then settled down to watch the news and have a look at the book Kim might be reading next.

Then Kim discovered that I need a little first aid- I don't think it was that big hairy beast called Holly- but I am definately going to keep out of her way. Anyway she says I need a little stitching- so I had a nice warm jacuzzi and now I am drying out. Then she says she will give me some stitches. That doesn't sound very nice- but she's promised me a treat if I am good!